Pocket Prairie Garden
This pocket prairie is my front yard in Cincinnati,Ohio. I started this small prairie community 4yrs. ago, using plugs of several species of native plants. The first year, there was not an abundance of bloom, the prairie plants were putting down there roots! As with any garden just started,I had to weed and water. But once the natives got established and started reproducing, they fill in nicely...weeds no more!
Now I can sit back and watch the flora and fauna!
Some species here are:
Purple Coneflower, Royal Catchfly, Partrige Pea, Blackeyed Susan, Lance Leaf Coreopsis, Butterfly Weed, and Nodding Onion.
nice Diana! I have started a native garden also:) I will have to get pictures posted sometime:) I can't wait to come to your nursery in the spring.